Take control of your time

Become an entrepreneur with EZ-GO
Work less and earn much more

    I agree to Ez-go’s Terms and conditions.


    Become an entrepreneur

    If you’re driven, ready to take control of the hours in your day, and the money you make, then you’ve come to the right place. Everyone at EZ-GO is focused on your success because when you do well, so do we.

    Preferred Postcode

    We care about our drivers, and think that they should keep most of their hard earned income. You can pick the postcode where you want to work and we’ll only take £1 off jobs going from your postcode to anywhere regardless of how much the job is.

    £1 Commission

    Join our £1 scheme and we’ll only charge 20% off your first three jobs, and £1 thereafter.

    Flexible working hours

    We recognise that everyone’s time is valuable, and as a result you are completely in charge of your time and how you choose to work. You can accept bidding jobs, live jobs, or one of our shift packages, whatever works best for you.

    Get a car from EZ-GO

    If you don’t have access to a vehicle, we might be able to provide you with one. We’ll even sort out the insurance, maintenance, and fuel so all you have to do is pick up the keys, and start making money.

    Referral bonus

    Get paid to help us grow… Refer a friend to us and we'll pay you £100 once they complete 50 trips with us.